Pt. Kartikeya R Sharma

Astro Life Coach

Founder: Astro Help Line, India

Finest logical & practical astrologer you can find in India.

("Pt." used with the name above is the abbreviation of "Pandit" and it is used by individuals in India who are expert in particular subject and specialised in knowledge of vedic scriptures.)  

4th generation astrologer.

Carrying forward the family legacy of astrological  knowledge & wisdom.

25+ years of learning excellence.

Born in the environment of occult knowledge & expertise. Started early with learning of vedic astrology principles in his teenage.

15+ years of professional experience.

By following the inner voice and signs from universe, started providing professional astro consultations from January 2009.

9+ years of online presence.

Founded Astro Help Line, India and launched official website on  November 2014.