Alternative Astro Remedies for Gemstones !

"On the basis of my deep astrological research, understanding  & experience, i do not believe gemstones to be the correct or effective astro remedy. Instead, right actions according to the planet's astrological energy would be more effective astro remedy.

Gemstones were mentioned in Ayurveda and to be used in accordance with Vedic Astrology to achieve some health benefits but with time, gemstones are misused and forcefully made important part of Vedic Astrology for extra commercial benefits. And yes even if famous people wear gemstone then it does not mean that gemstones are beneficial, it is  just due to lack of knowledge & misleading information they wear it.

Please find below details related planets and their alternative astro remedies.I hope it will be very much helpful to you." : Pt. Kartikeya R Sharma, Astro Life Coach.


Usual gemstone remedy : Pearl , Moonstone.
Alternative logical astro remedy: It is believed astrologically that Moon is the source of emotional & mental stability. also the source of abundance & prosperity. Technically, meditation or any mindfulness activity which makes us feel happy from inside is going to be the best way to enhance Moon's energies. For example painting, gardening, listening to music, swimming,  walking by lake or sea, playing with kids, or even cooking. These activities will influences our emotions and will ultimately enhance our mental & emotional health.
So adding any activity in our day to day routine that makes us happy, calm & relaxed , would be the right and correct way to manage or enhance Moon's astrological energies. 


Usual gemstone remedy: Ruby
Alternative logical astro remedy: Astrologically, Sun is believed to be the source of identity, dignity, success, and shine. It is the source of light, life and energy. It is also a significator of discipline & diligence. So to enhance Sun's astrological energies, if we can become disciplined and diligent in our life, then we can get best out of astrological energies of Sun. It is also advisable that whenever it is possible for us to support anyone in life or help someone to grow then we should not hesitate in doing that.The shine we spread in others life eventually brings lots of shine & brightness in ours too. 


Usual gemstone remedy: Emerald.
Alternative logical astro remedy: Astrologically, planet Mercury is believed to be the source of intellect, critical thinking, quick learning and communication. That clearly means to activate or harness the Mercury's astro energies we need to occasionally involve ourself in learning new things, Specially those which can be covered in short duration. Regular communication with friends & family helps a lot, writing  down all our concerns and thoughts also helps when we are overwhelmed by overthinking. The more we can express or communicate the more we will be able to release mental restlessness developed due to planet Mercury and the more we push ourself in learning or using critical thinking part of our brain the more we sharpen the astro energies of planet Mercury.


Usual  gemstone remedy: Diamond,Opal.
Alternative logical astro remedy:  Planet Venus's astrological energies supports creative innovation, refinement, attraction, beauty, love and pleasure. There are multiple aspects which we can try to add in our life. To start with ! We need  to be more clean & tidy in every aspect ! Clean body, cloths and surroundings as well clutter free head & heart (that can be achieved through meditation). Cleanliness will act as a base for Venus's astro energies to grow. and develop further.Also adding up  fragrance, colours, and music in our lives, adds up to the enhancement of Venus's positive energies. We can also consider learning any creative art, it will also help to boost up Venus's astro energies. 


Usual gemstone remedy: Red Coral.
Alternative logical astro remedy: Astrologically ! Planet Mars is believed to be the source of internal & external strength, courage, will power, passion and energy. It gives us all the desired energy to overcome fear & setbacks or even achieving our desired goals. We just need to be as active as we can. Being physically active helps a lot in harmonising Mars's astro energies. Adding regular physical exercise in our day to day routine helps a lot, we can start swimming, cycling, running, walking, gymming or yoga ! Any activity which involves physical movements is highly recommended. The more we are physically active the more we get best out of its energies.


Usual gemstone remedy: Yellow Sapphire.
 Alternative logical astro remedy: It is believed that astrologically planet Jupiter is the significator of wisdom, knowledge and growth.
It helps in expansion of life : professionally, personally and spiritually. In-depth knowledge and understanding is achieved by astro energies of Jupiter. So if we want to enhance its energies then we just need to put in extra effort in enhancing our knowledge and wisdom. Can be achieved by any source, it can be anything or anyone: books, friends, family, teacher, mentor, coach, or guide. This addition of knowledge & wisdom in our life will eventually help us to grow & expand professionally, personally and spiritually.  


Usual gemstone remedy: Blue sapphire
Alternative logical astro remedy: Astrologically when planet Saturn's name is mentioned, people gets anxious, as it is associated pain & misery. But Saturn is a real bestower of immense growth & success but it is also true that it is connected with extreme challenges & difficulties. The real truth is ! Planet Saturn's astro energies checks our will power, patience and our capability of being persistent. Its energy delays the results, and slow downs the development but it also  helps us to strengthen our routes and achieve more stability in life. So to manage Saturn's astro energies ! We just need to have beautiful combination of patience & persistence supported by strong will power. 


Usual gemstone remedy:  Hessonite, (Gomed).
   Alternative logical astro remedy: Rahu is a shadow planet. It is not a physical planet but astrologically it is defined as north node of moon (as defined in Vedic astrology texts). There are lots of factors associated with impacts of Rahu. Just to simplify, Rahu has two major impacts on life. 1) It is expert in creating illusions and, 2) It just amplifies whatever we have. So while dealing with Rahu we need to be extra cautious, like being slow in taking decisions, thinking twice before relying on someone or something, and as it amplifies whatever we have,  then that means if we are depressed it will amplify our depression and if we are confident then it amplifies  confidence. So firstly, being watchful & observant and secondly, always try to be on positive side of mental & emotional state. This will help you to get best out of Rahu's astrological energies.  


Usual gemstone remedy: Cat's eye.
Alternative logical astro remedy: Vedic astrology texts define Ketu as south node of Moon. It is a shadow planet and considered to be a significant celestial point in a birth chart. Ketu helps us to achieve spiritual awakening, enlightenment and better understanding about life. It also helps to empty the baggage which we are carrying from past life, And generally this all is achieved through we getting in to  challenging and difficult situations under the influence of Ketu. Main key to overcome or minimise the harsh impact of Ketu is : Acceptance & Surrender. When we get in to acceptance & surrender mode we start understanding what Ketu wants us to learn and as soon as we understand that our life becomes easy & smooth. 

Guidance is the remedy ! 

"Guidance & better understanding for right actions towards right direction is the best logical astro remedy." :
Pt.Kartikeya R Sharma, Astro Life Coach.